
게시물 상세
Develop of Infrastructure Dynamic Information System for Cooperative Automated Driving
작성자 : 관리자작성일 : 2023.02.10조회수 : 2434
첨부파일 WAYS1_Eng.png

- Participation in research conducted by KOTSA(Korea Transportation Safety Authority) -

WAYS1 participated in research on safety and infrastructure for automated cooperative driving on urban roads organized by the KOSTA
and conducted "Development of Infrastructure Dynamic Information System for Cooperative Automated Driving on Urban Roads".



● Main Summary

 - Development of LDM Systems and V2X Service Capabilities Compliant with International Standards(ISO-18750)

 - Collected mobile object detection information and signal information from the edge server installed at the roadside,
   and developed an autonomous cooperative driving service message creation and transmission function based on precision map




이전글 베트남 다낭 하이쩌우군 관계자, 웨이즈원 방문
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