WAYS1 operates the navigation map with the latest road, search, and background data and supports safe driving with innovative in-vehicle sensors, smart imaging equipment, and 3D road information such as slope and curvature using ADAS data. Our research team brings multi-year experience in planning, designing, and developing major navigation products in Korea, ultimately providing you with comprehensive software and solution from navigation map development to application.
Navigation Map100,000KM +
Road : Node/Link information: roads, turns, directions, signals, lane information
Search : POI, old format addresses, new street addresses
Background : Road surface, town blocks, administrative zoning
Additional DB : Safe driving DB (speedometers, risks)
Slope : Road slope value of the driving route
Curvature : Road curvature value of the driving route
ETC : Point Junction entry/exit points, lane change points
※ ADAS : Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
App for the Visually-Impaired
Our app for the visually-impaired, developed in partnership with the National Geographic Information Institute, provides information on current location, possible routes to the destination set by users, navigation to the destination, and major structures en route.